Monday 21 February 2011

Possible Shooting Problems

After completing our test shots I have compiled a list of possible shooting problems we could have which I have included below;

As we are shooting outside, the weather may restrict us whenit comes to filming. As we are also shooting at night, we will also need a clear night so that the light is better because we will not be able to use a three point lighting system. We will need to depend on the weather alot and check the forecast a few days before planning our shoot.

Shakey Cam
As I will be inside a car when filming, it will be difficult to keep the camera steady. A tripod would be useless, I feel, as it would still shake about due to bumps in the road, because of this I am going to just use hand-held shots because I think that this will add to the authenticity of the atmosphere and the feeling of the chase that is going on.

Using Mirrors
Just like in our Prelim task we are using alot of mirrors in our film. Although I have practiced the shots I will still need to be careful to keep the camera out of the shots at all times.

Actress Availability
We will need to tell our actress way in advance the days when we would like to shoot to ensure that she is available.

Finally, just like in any film we will need to make sure there are no continuity errors as this could make our film look less professional and we will be less pleased with the end results.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Test Shots: 30.01.11

The videos below show some of the test shots we filmed when we went out on Sunday afternoon, not all of them have made it to our blogs as there were simply too many of them. The ones which we have included however, are the ones which are important as they are the ones we thought would be trickiest to film. They are the shots from inside the car, we came up with a problem because when we were trying to use the rear-view mirror the camera was seen all the time, so we had to think on or feet and have decided to use the wing mirror instead. The videos below show some of the test runs we took and what we plan to do.

Introducing: The Cam Raw Film Crew!

Since we went filming test shots on Sunday, we took the opportunity to take some photo's in order to introduce the team. The test shots will be uploaded soon, but for now, for the first time ever, here's Cam Raw...

Costume: Make Up Test Run

Our actress will need to look battered and bruised, for this we are going to use make up. To make sure that it doesn't look amateur I have carried out some research and a test run to find out how to do this. As the only girl in our group, it was my job to find out how to make the bruises, and as none of the lads were willing to let me put make up on them, I had to use myself as a model to test it too.

I started by going onto YouTube and finding tutorials for how to create a realistic looking bruise with make up. I found two videos which helped me and I have uploaded them below. The first one was the most useful, however I have also included some of the tips from the second.

After watching these videos I decided to have a go myself. I used mostly the technique from the first video, however I swapped the colour choice of eyeshadow from blue to dark purple. The picture on the left is my attempt. Please excuse my expression, however I didn't think I'd be smiling if I actually did look like this! I plan to perhaps add some yellow and/or green to make the bruise look a bit older. I feel this shouldn't be too difficult as now I have the basic skills I can now just change the colours which I use.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


I have come up with a list of the props we will need for our film. A prop is something which is used by an actor in the film, if it is not used then it just dresses the set. The list of our props are below:

  • Knife
  • Shoes
  • Car
  • Mobile Phone

Location Research; Bedroom

These are the kind of bedroom scenes we would like to go for. Messy teenager, yet neutral kind of colours as the female is not a young girl, but not grown up, so it would be neither too adult or too girly.