Monday 21 March 2011

Editing The Footage

To edit our film we used Final Cut Pro. This software allowed us to import our footage, insert titles, include voice overs for any bits of sound which we weren't happy with and export our film as a Quicktime movie in order for us to upload it to Youtube.

Firstly we needed to import our footage into Final Cut, we had a problem because this couldn't be done at school as Josh's camera didn't want to work with the Macs at school, this meant that all of the editing had to be done on Matty's Mac at home using Final Cut Pro as opposed to Final Cut Express which is what the school uses. This made arranging times to meet very difficult, however, we did manage to do this.

Basically, we inserted our shots to match our animatic. We followed this because it showed us exactly where we needed to go next in terms of shots, however, our animatic did not match exactly because when filming we had to change some shots because they worked better. Apart from this our film follows the ainimatic which we made. We are now looking forward to presenting our film to our target audience, teacher and media group.

My next post will include my rough cut and a small evaluation and list of improvements.

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