Monday 21 March 2011

Target Audience Feedback

We have presented our film to the class and gathered feedback from them and our teacher. They have made suggestions as to what we can improve and also what they liked about our film. Below I have embedded a recording of our feedback.


At 1 minute 50 seconds, Sam makes the point that the scream in the graphic match needs to be worked on, we know this and will work on it, but Sam noticing it confirmed that we need to sort it out.
At around 3 minutes 30 seconds, Mr Hood suggests that we re-record the phone vibration, or drop the levels on it, this is something we need to consider because it is a tad loud.
At around 4 minutes, Mr Hood and Sam point out the swearing in the film, this is something which I didn't want to add in, but the other group members thought it added to the atmosphere for the script, however, we are not allowed to add swearing into our film so we need to over-dub this in order to remove it.
At 5 minutes 15 seconds, the group pointed out that the light on the shot was bad, this is because we were using natural light and filming into the sun, despite this we are going to keep this shot because we think it gives it a more realistic feel.
At about 7 minutes, the group stop us to say that there is something wrong with the dropping of the phone, we will ignore this because Mr Hood said he found no problem with it apart from the sound, which seems to be a recurring problem throughout our film!
Overall, the feedback our class supplied was very valuable and we will take it on board.

Aswell as this feedback, I also asked 30 people from our target audience 2 questions after watching our film, the questions I asked were 'Do you understand what is happening so far?' and 'Would you watch the end of this film?' I have presented my results in pie charts and included them below.

Yes - 19

No -7

Unsure - 4

Yes - 14

No - 8

Undecided - 8

My next post will be explaining the improvements we have made and explaining our re-editing process.

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