Tuesday 16 November 2010

Choosing A Genre

Our group are going to be making another film, but firstly this time we need to do some research and planning. The first thing we have done is decide on a genre, we have decided to produce a thriller. There are many reasons why we have chosen a thriller over any other genre, however, the main reason is that it is going to be the easiest to make. This is because we have the equipment and most importantly, the money, that we need to produce a thriller. Whereas with a Sci-Fi film we would need a massive budget for loads of special effects or for a Comedy film we would need a amazingly funny script writer, which we don't really have at our disposal!

This makes a thriller our most popular choice, however we still need to be careful about what sub-genres we are going to include to make sure that we once again, don't make our task impossible.

Soon, I am going to look more closely at thrillers, their sub-genres and conventions.

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