Tuesday 30 November 2010

Our Final Film Idea

The final idea for our film has now been decided. We have done a lot of brainstorming and have come to a decision we are happy with. I have included the idea for our film in the rest of this post.

We plan to create a psychological thriller, however we will also include some elements of a mystery thriller.

We will begin with a girl, looking fairly battered, bruised and lifeless, standing in a dark room, with some source of light shining on her. She will start to tell her story, but after each sentence, the camera will cut to flashbacks The flashbacks inbetween her explanation will be the titles for our film, however they will also kind tell the story and trace back to reveal events that have happened to the girl. After she has finished explaining, she will scream and we will then include a graphic match. The girl will chase after her boyfriend who has driven off without her and we will have lots of different camera angles to show the action unfolding. We will have a lapse of time, and the girl will then wake up the next morning, for this part of the film her face will not be seen at all until she enters the bathroom and looks in the mirror. Before entering the bathroom she wakes up to a call from a withheld number. After going to the bathroom and discovering her bruised face she will attempt to call her boyfriend, friend & mom. However, all of the calls go unanswered. The viewer will then be left on a cliffhanger as to what has happened...

Our film is going to be called: Withheld.

The idea that we have for the first part of the film where she is explaining, is to have the shots very fast paced, almost like 'subliminal messaging' to hint to the audience what we are getting at. Conveniently as we came up with our idea, Coronation Street released their advert for the 50th Anniversary Tram Crash. I have posted the video below to give a better idea of what we hope to achieve.

We also had a very good idea of what we wanted out girl to look like. This was because we remembered the advert Alton Towers released for their ride '13'. I have posted the video below to show that this is the kind of look we would like to achieve. We want this part of our film to be fairly chilling as it is in the advert below.

I understand that our idea may sound confusing when written down, so I have already included our pitch for our film and I will soon be including our treatment, treatment feedback and script in order to hopefully make our idea more clear. 

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