Wednesday 27 April 2011

Evaluation Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents a couple of social groups, we have done this with the choice of characters we have used in our film. Although we used only two characters in our film, I feel that the idea which we used allowed us to represent three social groups. Below I have included an image of each character and a description of who they are, what social group they represent and how they represent it.

This image shows the girl in the red dress. This character was used to represent the portion of teenagers and young people ( approximately18-25 year olds) who are party animals and like to go out and have a good time. The way this character is dressed shows her dressed up in going out clothes, not exactly provocatively, but not covering herself up either, this represents the section of young girls who like to flaunt what they’ve got and who don’t think about the consequences they may have to face from doing this. This issue would be tackled in the rest of our film when what actually happened to the girl would be revealed. 

This image shows the girl in the white dress. This character was used to represent young people who have psychological problems, as she was both the killer and the victim in our film, this meant that we could use her to represent youths as having stress to deal with and as having things to worry about. Although not shown in our first two minutes, the idea was that it would be revealed that the girl had had her drink spiked which is what caused her to go on her killing spree and black out. This would represent the things a party animal teenager would have to be wary of and also represents the real life issues which teenagers have to face. The fact that the people close to her have been killed would show that young people have to face death from an early age, despite the fact that they are care-free.

Although not very clear, this image shows the driver of the car, Ryan, whose face is not shown. This character, although not seen represents young males, again approximately 18-25 year olds, as being easily annoyed and not very rational. This character is seen driving away from his girlfriend who he has kicked out of the car, and not stopping to pick her up until she has screamed her lungs out trying to get his attention. This is an over-exaggeration of the small portion of overly protective, jealous young males who try to twist things around to make their girlfriend’s feel bad after an argument. I think that this would allow us to tackle a mild form of domestic violence in our film. The music which is played by this character also shows how angry he is for such a young person and could suggest that his anger stems from a previous point in his life, which is very common in many young people. 

We tried to use characters which the audience could relate to and empathise with. The female character is almost like two characters in one. The girl in the red dress is a party animal who every young person can relate to, and the girl when in the white dress is a character which the audience can empathise with because they will feel sorry for her after hearing her story; despite the fact that they will discover that she is responsible for the deaths of the people close to her. Finally the mystery character that is Ryan is a character which many people will relate to because at some point in their lives everyone has been angry and the background to him is something which the audience can keep guessing as to what has happened to make him angry and make him the way he is.

The stereotypes which we have used do only involve young people, however, I believe that everyone who watches our film will be able to relate to the characters. 

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