Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our film is a British Independent film so would probably be distributed by someone who specialises in British Independent films. There are multiple ways to distribute films such as DVD, Cinema and Download. To answer this question in more depth, I have researched some companies who distribute shorts, as I felt it was necessary for me to discuss companies who distribute smaller films as opposed to only discussing large distribution companies who distribute films for production companies such as Working Title. I have included some companies which I found and an explanation of their company, below.

Tri-Seven are a distribution company who add films to their website and they distribute them via a pay-per-download service. They take on shorts which are between 5-30 minutes long and prefer the film to have an inspirational message, however, as they only take films which are at least 5 minutes, I don’t think that they would distribute our film as it is, perhaps when finished if we could make it under 30 minutes, which is doubtful. They would be able to distribute our film via download so this would be a good option for us.

Elypse is a distribution copany which is based in Spain, but distributes films worldwide. They do not have an specifications for what kind of films they look for, but have a huge list of films in their catolgue which can be viewed on the website. They look like they are easy to contact and say that they will reply quickly. I think this company would distribute our film for us, both as it is and as a finished product.

Shorts International is based in London, however, also has offices in New York Los Angeles and Paris. I gather from their website that they have links to iTunes, which would mean that the films are distributed to a wide range of people. Their submission form gives the option to state whether it is a student film and if so, what school you attend. I think that this would mean that this company would accept our film and would distribute it for us, definitely as a finished product and possibly also as a 2 minute beginning as it is. 

Omni Film Distribution Inc is based in California and distributes films and sells them on DVD. The description of the film can be found on the website and can also be purchased on the site. They accept films of all genres and lengths so I think that they would accept our film. This would be a good option for us as it would be a way for us to distribute our film on DVD.

I have found these examples of small distribution companies who may distribute our film for us, however, I think that because we only have a 2 minute beginning, the most likely place where we could get our film seen would be at a film festival. Although the Edinburgh Film Festival shows larger films, there are also film festivals which specialise in short films. I think this would be the most likely place for us to get our film seen by an audience.

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