Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation Question Five

How did you attract/address your audience?

My group and I had to make sure that our film appealed to our target audience. To do this we added a few things to make sure that we were addressing what we thought our audience wanted from a film in order to enjoy it. We were targetting 15+ year olds, right through to the mid-twenties and perhaps even some middle aged people due to the mystery element. We wanted to aim for a fairly large audience because we thought our film had the potential to appeal to more people. Below I have included six examples of things we added to appeal to our audience and who exactly they would appeal to.

 1. The blonde female we used was there to attract a male audience, both young and older. We researched the kind of women used in thrillers and found that almost every thriller gets an attractive female to star in their lead role. Films like 'Psycho' may be older films, but the actress who plays the lead is still attractive and despite the film being in black and white it is obvious that she has light coloured hair. 

We used a young couple in our film because most young people have been in a relationship at some point and most have had fall outs too. If they've not had fall outs with a partner then they have with their parents, so we hoped that the real life situation was something which they could relate to which would in turn appeal to the audience because they feel that can connect more with the actors on screen.

We included a car chase in our film and planned to include alot more action scenes if it were to be more than a 2 minute beginning. We added the action scenes because we know that alot of males in particular enjoy watching action films. This meant that our film was opening itself up to an even wider audience range.

We used the story line of going out and partying, coming back drunk and not remembering what happened the night before because we thought that it would appeal to the 18+ audience which we were hoping to attract, we also thought that it might appeal to some 17 year olds aswell, because although the legal drinking age is 18, underage drinking does take place. We included the idea that she may have had her drink spiked (to be revealed after the two minutes), because we wanted to include a real life issue and include a moral; to watch what you're drinking, who you're with and to not accept drinks from strangers because unfortunately, things like this do happen.

The use of modern technology, we thought would appeal to anyone who came to watch our film, but particularly our younger audience because they are digital natives. We wanted to show that although technology is a good thing, you also need to be careful with it because situations can get out of control. The use of a mobile phone targets anyone with a mobile because the storyline which we integrated into our thriller held a message of being careful who you talk to and give your number to, so we wanted to try to get that across and appeal to the target audience at the same time.

Our titles weren't exactly ordinary because we included the text which would usually be added to a shot, in with the storyline of finding out the ending first. We did this because we wanted to create mystery within our film and also leave the audience feeling a little disorientated and wondering what was going on. By doing this we were intentionally getting them to relate with the actress on screen because she too was left not knowing what was going on around her. By doing this, I think that we targetted our audience in a way that was not expected.

We targetted our audience in a few different way, the main way being to get them to relate to the actors on screen. By doing this we hoped that this meant that they enjoyed the film alot more than they would've done if they hadn't have been invloved and it also meant that we got them to empathise with the character and be even more shocked by the ending that we had planned.

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