Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When I look at my prelim task and compare it to my final film, I think that it is alot better and not only have my skills as an individual have improved but our skills as a group have improved also. I have learnt a great amount about time management which I feel has been one of the most important lessons and I have also learnt alot about a variety of different skills needed to create a professional looking film.

One of the things I learnt from creating our preliminary task, was to check for continuity errors as we made a noticeable mistake towards the end of our film. The image below shows the error we made and is indicated by the red arrow just to make it clear. What we did was leave the green wig on the side in shot, and then move it in the next shot because it was part of the scene.

Our prelim task also taught me to be careful with the text colour and effects we used in our titles. This is because our white text couldn't be seen against the light from the window and the effect we used on the writing meant that not all of the letters showed up which meant the titles couldn't be read properly by the audience. This is shown by the images I have inserted below. The text which should've read 'Camerawork' came out as 'Cam raw' which taught us to be careful with the text effects we chose, however it also gave us the name for our production company.

Our preliminary task also taught me many necessary skills for when we shot our final film. I learnt about panning in particular because in our prelim task. I used panning, however, I didn't use it well. I completed the pan successfully but moved the camera part way through the shot, this made the shot look bad and I learnt from this that I need to be more careful in the final film. 

We successfully learnt how to complete a match-on-action shot and I think that this is something which we have continued to get right and make sure it is perfect before we move on. We learnt to be careful where we were cutting our footage in order to not create a jump cut and were very careful when editing our final film to make sure nothing distracted us when watching it. We used a dolly in our final film which we learnt how to use a few weeks before we shot that scene, I think that learning to use the dolly was worth while because it allowed us to add an extra element in our film we wouldn't have been able to use otherwise.

Although I have previously mentioned the use of lighting and how we learnt to be careful, we did misjudge something when filming our final film. We used the three point lighting system when filming our actress against the black curtain, however did not use any lighting when filming the rest of the film. The use of the natural light did let us down a little bit because we knew that the shot looked dark, however, this did make our film feel more real than it would've done had we used extra lighting.

On the left it is clear that we have used extra lighting.

On the right it is clear that we have used natural light.

Overall, I have found working on my media task very enjoyable. I have learnt many valuable lessons along the way, yet still enjoyed every second of it!
  • I have learnt that it is important to have individual roles within your production company, because this means that everyone has to pull their weight otherwise the final product doesn't get completed on time. It also means that no one is left to do all of the work by themselves.
  • I have also learnt that time management is very important, a shooting schedule would be a necessity for me next time I were to shoot a film. This is because without this there is no real sense of urgency and some group members are alot more laid back than others.
  • I have learnt that feedback is essential if you want to make sure that your finished product will be the best that you can possibley make it. Without it, you may not spot mistakes which someone else would and this can let you down.
  • I have learnt alot of new skills which I didn't previously have and I hope to be able to put them to use in the future.

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