Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for our media product is 15+ year olds going up to mid-twenty year olds. We also hope to target middle aged people with the element of mystery that we have in our film. Our main target audience is males however, we do know that there are a selection of females who would want to come and see our film because they enjoy thrillers and action films, however some females would only come to watch our film if they were taken by their boyfriend or maybe their brother. Below I have included some images of what we think our target audience might be like.

This image shows a group of teens who I know and who are around 17/18 years old, these are our main target. There is a gender imbalance as there is only one female and the rest are males. The males in this image would enjoy watching our thriller and they would like to watch our film because of the action and also because of the young, attractive blonde female aho we have used in our film. The female in the image, would like to watch the film because of the action and mystery involved in the story line and also because she can relate to some of the stroylines included.

This image shows an example of a young couple between 17-19 years old. The male in this image would like to go and see our film because of the female actress playing the lead role in the film, whereas the female in this image would go and watch this film because she has been taken to see it by her boyfriend. Although the action and thriller elements of the film may not appeal to her, the real life situations and elements of mystery probably would.

The images show our main target audience. Although we aim to please middle aged year olds with our film aswell they are not a main target, so I have not included them in with the teenagers which I have shown. We would like the think that we have included enough elements to appeal to our target audience and I will further discuss these elements when answering question five.

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