Friday 6 May 2011

Evaluation Question Six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Since I began constructing media products in my lessons I have learnt alot of useful skills to successfully create our end product. Technology has helped me to do this and there are alot of softwares and methods which have made the process of making our film easier. Below I have included some examples of the things which I have learnt about the different technologies which I have been introduced to and how they have helped me.

The first, and for me, most important thing which has helped me to make our film is the digital video camera which we used. This allowed us to capture out footage straight onto the Mac's and not have to have the problems that existed with previous video cameras, where the film needed to be developed. The use of digital video cameras has allowed the process of gaining the footage you have taken, so much quicker and easier.

The Apple Mac's have also been very important in helping us to create our final film. They have allowed us to use all of the software which we have needed (which I will discuss separately), and they have also allowed us to gain some real experience. Apple Mac's are used in the professional film making industry as there are less compatibility issues, using them to create our films has allowed us real industry experience which will benefit us in the long run if we choose to work in the film industry.

Final Cut Express has allowed us to edit our film with less hassle than if we weren't using software. It used to be that when editing a film, you had to take the film strip out of the camera, cut it up, and glue it back together with the changes and shots that you wanted. Final cut has allowed us to make mistakes and change them, whereas with a method like the one I previously described there isn't really any room for mistakes. Final Cut also allowed us to record sound into our film, so we were able to over-dub the scream in the graphic match which would not have been possible without this kind of software.

Soundtrack Pro enabled us to import copyright free sounds into Final Cut to be used on our film. This meant that there was less expense for us as we didn't have to buy a licence in order to use music on our film.

Our group didn't use Storyboard Quick when in the production stages of our film, however if we had have done then it would've saved us alot of time. We learnt how to use it, however felt that we could get better results if we hand drew our storyboard. Next time I know that I should use the software that I have at my disposal because it will save me alot of time and frustration when trying to scan in images and put them all together.

Final Draft AV was a very useful piece of software which we had access to. It allowed us to write our script and talk about the camera shot and action on screen which would accompany it. This meant that when we were filming we knew exactly what went where and when added to the use of our storyboard, they made filming alot easier for us and allowed us to concentrate on making sure our shots were of high quality, instead of worrying about whether or not we were filming the right things in the right place. 

Youtube allowed us to upload and share our videos quickly and easily. Without this piece of technology we would not be able to share our film with anyone else other than our classmates because we wouldn't really have a way of doing this with just one copy of the film.

Finally, Blogger has allowed me to document the processes that I have gone through as I have gone along and has been alot more beneficial than something like a scrapbook would have been. This is because I have been able to not only edit and correct mistakes in posts, but also upload videos, trial shots, and upload audio feedback from Scribd (which has also been a useful piece of technology I have had access to). Blogger has allowed me to document my journey of becoming a film maker in real detail.

The technology and software which I have had access to have really helped me on my journey of making our film and have allowed me to have a real experience of what film making is actually like in the film making industry.

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